
In the immortal words of The Heavy... (Destiny)

by Malagate @, Sea of Tranquility, Wednesday, June 11, 2014, 09:37 (3827 days ago) @ Malagate

After looking over a little more PvP footage, it seems like there may be a couple of things at play in your initial reaction. Of course, this is all speculation since I haven't gotten my hands on the Alpha, but your emphatic statement that PvP is basically broken and can't be fixed at all spurs me to provide an actual response. So...

Seems like you've got a lot of this-is-not-the-Halo-I-wanted going on. It's in Alpha, and since we've all been paying close attention for months (or years, as the case may be), it's clear they expect that gameplay will continue to evolve even after launch (I think we can cite a clip of Lars from an interview fairly recently); basically indefinitely as tweaks and additional content are added, and trends in gameplay habits will influence how that goes to an extent.

You spoke to the new design philosophy towards PvP, and that no amount of tweaking will fix it. So, I wanted to know...what constitutes "fixed"? Since this isn't Halo, and is something quite different, what "better" state are you aware of?

Maybe this will be helpful to you, maybe not: But Destiny seems to have an element of ...Bushido Blade, was it? Where you could always go for the deathstroke and be done with it rather than draw a fight out. It appears sustained gunplay has much less to do with kills than it did in Halo and instead a mix of positioning, power usage, and (yes) marksmanship are what will win battles. Less deadeye, more leaf-on-the-wind.

For what it's worth, the issue I think you're having is akin to how I feel about Gears of War. It seemed to be one thing and played like something completely different. I expected to use the cover system to avoid hails of gunfire and fight pitched battles, rather than to avoid it completely and charge around with a shotgun or one of the many other instakill weapons. There are pieces of Destiny we recognize from other things and we're accustomed to seeing them implemented in a certain way.

Bottom line being I think any dissatisfaction you have here is either because you expected something entirely different, or that it’s early yet *cough*ALPHA*cough* and you haven’t found your groove with it.

It's kind of precipitous to stamp PvP [BROKEN] before the thing is even out of the gates.


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