
Destiny PvP sucks (Destiny)

by Zero @, Florida, Tuesday, June 10, 2014, 14:12 (3828 days ago) @ EffortlessFury

From what I recall, it has been mentioned that the Crucible will be cordoned off to players until they reach a certain level of competency/strength...maybe they equipment you have at this point isn't normally sufficient enough to keep you alive, whereas loot from later in the game might increase the level of tactical strategy required to excel?

I'm going to agree on what's being said here. Level 8 does not strike me as a very suitable level that one would be able to enter the Crucible at. But, as I'm writing this, I'm listening to the E3 stream on Destiny and I'm not seeing players getting killed as fast as it's being made out to be. It seems that the whole "PvP sucks" attitude can be chalked up to the very select pool of people who got selected for early alpha access are just very good. Once the pool gets opened up to more people I am sure the kill times won't be as fast as they have been due to more diverse play styles.

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