I released an iOS game, Dutch Archer (Off-Topic)

by electricpirate @, Tuesday, March 25, 2014, 19:01 (3898 days ago) @ kidtsunami

So I've always played around with demos ever since I started coding in middle school. They've always been half baked concepts and were always just me fiddling with ideas ("hmmm can I make a spaceship fly around in a way that reminds me of the warthog").

I recently decided that I needed to start actually releasing things and stop polishing unreleasable nonsense. I've recently spent a long time working on a competitive spy game that

That lead me to pick up the awesome sprites over at Oryx Design Labs (pixel art by Destiny Art Director @cgbarrett) and throw together a really basic arcade game. The foundation of the game took me a weekend to build in Unity3D (with the latest 2D bits from the 4.3 release) and another weekend to test/submit on iOS with GameCenter integration.

Any feedback appreciated, even the brutal "what the hell is this?" kind.

App Store Link


Nice work!

I'll try it on my ipad in a bit and give yous some feedback. one thing I notice though, is that the sprites are a bit all over the place. Try and keep the same rough pixel density for all sprites. Specifically the grass vs. the platform vs. the archer. It looks off in the picture. Also, make sure in Unity you set the import settings for the sprite to "Point" filter, though I'm not sure if the blur is just from the jpeg compression.

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