
Grind is in the eye of the beholder (Destiny)

by MacAddictXIV @, Seattle WA, Tuesday, June 18, 2019, 10:53 (2088 days ago) @ Cody Miller

“Highest levels” is nebulous at best of a description. There is no meaning to it, so you would need to be more specific as to what you mean, because I can’t think of anyway to play Destiny where you are forced to Engage the game in any way you don’t choose to.

It’s been a problem since nearly day 1!

I liked raids and crucible. Can you play raids without first leveling up? No? Well gee then I have to level up and grind for powerful rewards even though I don’t want to.

I get this feeling that it's not just that you don't like leveling/power level (we all know you do), you just like to have access to all content to play at your convenience. If there was a campaign that you didn't like and there was endgame content at the end of it you would be saying they should allow you to play the endgame content before the campaign. You would then consider the campaign to be a "grind" and thus in your way to enjoying the game.

Playing a campaign to get to the endgame is not a “grind”. You only have to play the campaign once. It is not repetitive. It is ostensibly fun for its own sake. Not comparable.

It's not comparable to you. I can easily go through all of Destiny's content without playing the same map and easily get enough light to play the raid. I find that all fun (well crucible is up and down for me). So it is fun for it's own sake. You just don't find that content enjoyable.

In my mind, a grind is doing content that you don't want to do/enjoy so that you can get something you want.

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