
From the Update | I Feel the NEED... (Destiny)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Friday, February 02, 2018, 08:46 (2468 days ago) @ Korny

How often do players in Titanfall get more than 1 or 2 kills with a Core ability?

Legion mains would like to have a word with you...

Legion OP! lol

Also, you're pretty wrong about Supers. Shutting them down isn't a daunting task, as for the most part, Supers cause a reduction in range, and the mobility makes them pretty vulnerable to grenades, snipers, Fusion Rifles, team-shots, and energy weapons.

Everything you're saying is true, but my brain sorts that all into the basic stuff a player should be thinking about before they activate their super. I was playing IB a couple days ago, activated my Fist of Havoc, ran around the corner and got nailed by a rocket. I instantly kicked myself because I had just seen the Power ammo pop, I'd just read the text notification that the enemy team had picked up rockets, and I popped my super and ran at them anyway. That wasn't good defensive play on their part, that was me being a dumbass, lol.

I ain't scared of a Super in D2, and with increased mobility, this will only be less of an issue.

Perhaps. Hopefully it'll work out that way. But we won't know until we play it. I'm just concerned about the idea of more supers happening during the average PvP game. I'm really happy with how scaled back supers are at the moment.

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