
Final Cut. (no VO, no epilogue) (Off-Topic)

by Kermit @, Raleigh, NC, Wednesday, October 11, 2017, 22:00 (2441 days ago) @ narcogen

My dad has the directors cut on DVD. Is this the one to watch?

I heard bad stuff about final cut, and also bad stuff about director's cut, and tons of bad stuff about theatrical.

The theatrical version is fine if you want a hard-boiled detective story set in the future. The director's cut has more ambiguity, and is more of a sci-fi art house film. Big fans tend to prefer it, especially because it makes it easier to imbue the film with (perhaps not quite warranted?) deep philosophical significance. As far as I can tell, the final cut is the same as the director's cut with some color adjustments.

Not just that. Also has restored dream sequence footage not seen in any other version and is pivotal to interpreting the film.

The unicorn scene IS in the director's cut. It may not be exactly the same as what's in the final cut, but any of it is enough to enable the theory.


Even the best available version of the film is not as deep as its most ardent fans would have it-- and it shares that with the sequel, I think.

The theatrical release is not only trite and clumsy, it is insignificant and utterly devoid of meaning. It's not even a particularly good detective story, as nearly the entirety of Deckard's detective work consists of a nonsensical "zoom and enhance" sequence done ON A POLAROID that would eventually morph into the BS that infected TV police procedurals for the next three decades, and a cute bit where he pretends to be a nerdy guy trying to harass an exotic dancer by pretending to be looking for people trying to harass exotic dancers.

The epilogue I'm pretty sure will give you cancer.

Yeah, yeah. All the cool kids think so.

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