
What's the best Blade Runner version? (Off-Topic)

by Kermit @, Raleigh, NC, Wednesday, October 11, 2017, 13:05 (2442 days ago) @ Harmanimus

It would have been the first thing I saw visually and conceptually like it. Liking things for being striking and interesting or different is pretty common for me. Blade Runner was a stepping stone out of Fantasy (The Dark Crystal, Legend, Willow) and past the blurring into science-fantasy (Star Wars, Krull) for me. A lot of movies with obvious inspiration are pretty dear to me as well (The Fifth Element, Dark City, Split Second), but those were all things that I saw or were created later.

I guess I can see where if you were already wrapped up in structurally similar stories that you throw it into a grim future setting and it would stand out for that fact. Thus the VO might be less jarring or detrimental to the experience.

That's basically it. Blade Runner didn't have the hype associated with it that it acquired later, and I LIKE Raymond Chandler and film noir movies and did before I saw Blade Runner. The V.O. didn't seem so problematic--it seemed true to the source material--by that I mean film noir, not Philip K. Dick, which I'm ashamed to say I haven't read.

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