
I agree with the two above, but prefer the Final Cut. (Off-Topic)

by Kermit @, Raleigh, NC, Wednesday, October 11, 2017, 07:23 (2442 days ago) @ Korny

My dad has the directors cut on DVD. Is this the one to watch?

I heard bad stuff about final cut, and also bad stuff about director's cut, and tons of bad stuff about theatrical.

There are few differences between the Final Cut and the Director's, so they're roughly the same in terms of presentation, but I feel that the technical fixes and few bonus touches are enough to make the Final Cut the definitive version.

I think the Theatrical Cut suffers from the phoned-in voiceover with the tacky dialogue. Not just from the implementation, but the fact that it's a hand-holding storytelling tool. I get that it gives it more of a classic noire style, but I dunno, I always liked the way the Director's/Final cuts don't feel the need to explain every detail that could be left up for the viewer to infer from. Those versions seem to give more credit to the viewer, and make for better conversation, I think.

Sammy has never seen the movie, but I'm going to have her watch the Final Cut, because I feel that it leads to far better discussion than something like "in those last moments he loved life more than he ever had before" would allow.

I actually agree, but for many years the theatrical release was all I had, and I have a fondness for the simplicity of it. Part of the appeal of Blade Runner for me originally was that it had the veneer of a fairly typical film noir story, but there was a thought-provoking film underneath. Now the thought-provoking qualities are more center stage.

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