
What's the best Blade Runner version? (Off-Topic)

by Harmanimus @, Wednesday, October 11, 2017, 12:22 (2442 days ago) @ Kermit

It would have been the first thing I saw visually and conceptually like it. Liking things for being striking and interesting or different is pretty common for me. Blade Runner was a stepping stone out of Fantasy (The Dark Crystal, Legend, Willow) and past the blurring into science-fantasy (Star Wars, Krull) for me. A lot of movies with obvious inspiration are pretty dear to me as well (The Fifth Element, Dark City, Split Second), but those were all things that I saw or were created later.

I guess I can see where if you were already wrapped up in structurally similar stories that you throw it into a grim future setting and it would stand out for that fact. Thus the VO might be less jarring or detrimental to the experience.

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