
Sold. Theatrical cut it is! (Off-Topic)

by narcogen ⌂ @, Andover, Massachusetts, Wednesday, October 11, 2017, 19:23 (2441 days ago) @ Claude Errera

If I like it, I'll go do the other one.

The biggest difference between the theatrical cut and the other two, if you discount the voiceover, is the ending. However, the new film makes that difference almost moot... so I think you're making a decent call. (The theatrical version is definitely more understandable for newcomers.)

...sort of. Hard to discuss without bringing in spoilers for each.

For instance, I think the version without the epilogue is superior *even if I admit that all the information in it is canonically true*.

It's about the presentation; the epilogue presents things in a light too close to "they lived happily ever after" which is a big tonal shift.

There's a good parallel to be drawn between the theatrical and later releases of Brazil and Blade Runner in that respect.

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