
A few thoughts (Gaming)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Monday, July 03, 2017, 10:13 (2710 days ago) @ Vortech

But there are costs. There is a tech "budget" and increasing the frame rate will eat up resources that could have gone somewhere else that people like. So don't be too mad at someone for having different priorities.

Yes, that is the big part of this issue that I didn't bring up at all. And it's why I personally don't fall into the hardline "60fps or GTFO" crowd. I'm perfectly happy playing a game that runs at a rock solid 30fps, and the trade-offs required to bring that same game up to 60fps would not always be worthwhile for me.

The point I was trying to stress is that games running at 60fps will inherently control better than games that run at 30fps (unless something else related to input response goes horribly wrong). As you said, that fact will land higher or lower on each gamer's personal priority scale.

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