
Load Times and 30FPS - Crash Bandicoot Remaster (Gaming)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Sunday, July 02, 2017, 14:58 (2799 days ago) @ CyberKN

The VAST majority of people don't care about framerate, or we would see a gulf in sales between games that are 60fps and games that are not. that gulf doesn't exist.

You cannot compare apples to wampa fruit. The only way is to play a version of the same game, one in 30fps, the other in 60. Such comparisons exist. Nathan Drake collection blows the PS3 originals out of the water with its smooth 60fps presentation, and the aiming feels a million times better. Looking at sales of popular games and seeing a mix of 30fps and 60fps means nothing.

The other games I've made in my own time are just as fun at 60 as they are at 30.

And are these games action games that depend on reflexes, tight timings, and precision? 30fps is fine for many genres.

80 is also not terribly high for metacritic. That's 'average'. Good is 90+

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