
Load Times and 30FPS - Crash Bandicoot Remaster (Gaming)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Sunday, July 02, 2017, 16:34 (2799 days ago) @ Korny
edited by Cody Miller, Sunday, July 02, 2017, 16:43

So which is it? You say 30fps is fine, but then you say that all developers should consider anything under 60fps unacceptable. You argue with yourself more than you do with others, man...

Can you read at all? Back to the first post:

"Every game should be aiming for 60 FPS if it depends on precision."

Does a point and click adventure game depend on precision of input? No? Then 30fps is fine. 30fps for action oriented games is a poor decision, a distinction I made right away, and always have.

Huh, so the 60fps version of Vanquish has a 78 on Metacritic. Literally unplayable by your own standards. And the 30fps version got an 84. Still bad in Codyland, and yet, that one gets your praise... huh...

PC Vanquish shipped with a game breaking bug. The score is acceptable. If the PS3 version played at 60fps, it would be straight up better with zero downsides.

Your inaccurate and terrible opinion on framerate aside, the reason that aiming feels "a million times better" in the uncharted collection has nothing to do with framerate. Bluepoint stated that they were going to change the aiming in Uncharted 1 and 2 to better match the Uncharted 3 controls. They made the gameplay better on purpose; it was not the result of framerate. But then, I don't expect you to do any research at all before jumping to your conclusions...

Uncharted 3 played better as well… because of the framerate.

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