
You aren't looking at it right. (Gaming)

by Quirel, Tuesday, June 13, 2017, 14:55 (2818 days ago) @ Morpheus

Xbox One "X"?

Are you fucking kidding me?

How did the meeting for that name play out?

*Just a bunch of 40, 50 year old stuffed suits sitting around a conference table, all with thoughtful looks on their faces, silent for minutes...*

"...how about....X?"

"Oooh, X is good!"

"It's always been a favorite letter of ours."

"Brilliant, Peterson! You deserve a promotion! Guess we can call that an early lunch!"

*All the executives pull out small glass panels and briefcases full of cocaine*

There is NO creative thought process left in the world, NONE. Are you telling me that for four years(it has been four years, right? I'm trying to find the first PS announcement, but I don't seem to see it) of development and engineering, and worldwide input, the best fucking thing you can come up with is ADDING AN X?!

XBox One X


"How long have you been planning this pun?"
"Ever since you let me name the XBox One."

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