agrred (Gaming)

by electricpirate @, Monday, June 12, 2017, 03:15 (2820 days ago) @ Cody Miller

Consoles are a balance in pricing components.

4K is very hard in terms of graphics hardware. You have 4x as many pixels to render as 1080p. Meanwhile CPUs are being neglected. As Bungie has said, hitting 60fps for Des2ny isn't happening because of the CPU. Not the GPU. When we can't even reliably hit 1060p60 across the board, it makes no sense to jump to 4K.

We need more powerful CPUs in consoles, with a focus on 1080p. There is not a whole lot of difference here, and believe me I like to see things the best they can be. Do HDR but render at 1080p with better effects and shaders and whatnot. You will get so much more benefit, but the CPUs are holding people back.

6x jump in gpu power with a 30% jump in cpu power is nuts. especially since the cpus were bad to start with!

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