
Overall thoughts with a dash of snark. (Gaming)

by ManKitten, The Stugotz is strong in me., Monday, June 12, 2017, 19:11 (2819 days ago) @ electricpirate

New rule...Games displayed at E3 must come out before next E3. How many years was the Division at E3 before it came out? Like...8? And it suuuuuucked.

Hey, remember Scalebound?

And how many years are they going to tease us with Cuphead. Septemeber? Pfft, I'll believe it when I see it. Fun fact, the visuals of that game aren't artistic...it was actually started in the 1930's.

Weren't we supposed to get a Game Preview of DayZ 2 years ago? (speaking of which weren't we supposed to get DayZ on PC like 5 years ago?)

Most of the games that were in the MS briefing, I responded..."what the hell was that?" *cough hipster paper rock n roll astronaut cough*

Some of the most fun gameplay happened in that quick "Games with Gold" montage (cmon...you know they will be.)

Hey look at that new Porsche...it looks exactly like every Porsche. How appropriate for Forza.

And good grief...a guy got ripped in half! WTF SoD2!? Unnecessary!

What was that game where the dude shot a bear monster off a cliff? I fell asleep 27 minutes into him gently meandering about and woke up to that! Sheesh!

Not even a Halo mention? I've lost interest anyway...but...cmon MS! Whaddayadoin?

Anthem: Looks gorgeous. Looking forward to the invisible barriers not letting me go to there.


My final takeaway - XOX looks pretty but there isn't much worth playing on it (exclusive wise)

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