
Already on the 4K train - full speed ahead. (Gaming)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Sunday, June 11, 2017, 22:45 (2820 days ago) @ DEEP_NNN

I expect the experience to be like going from regular movie theatres to IMAX. You won't know the difference until you're there.

Not even close.

For one, regular cinema is still largely 2K. Imax is either projected film stock, or 8K minimum.

Second, the IMax screen is about 100 feet tall. A regular movie screen varies, but is not taller than about 20 feet at best. An IMax screen literally consumes your entire fucking cone of vision.

Your 4K TV is roughly the same size as a 1080p TV. The reason that regular cinema is still largely 2K, is that even on the big screen, 4K provides a rather small quality increase. If you sit very close it makes a difference. So on your TV, not so much.

I saw Interstellar on Imax film stock, and it looked so real I felt like I could reach out and touch it. 4K gaming won't be like that. Maybe if you have 4K projector or something.

I don't think 4K gaming is worth it yet, when resources can be spent elsewhere.

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