Is it weird that they had basically the same demo? (Gaming)

by electricpirate @, Monday, June 12, 2017, 13:04 (2730 days ago) @ Blackt1g3r

So we're still almost two years away from Anthem. Looks neat, but I worry they are making the same mistakes with RNG that Destiny is making. I'll reserve judgement though since Bioware does have more experience with RPGs. They may handle the RNG better.

The idea that they will make the same mistakes is really underscored by the fact that their demo hit almost the *exact* same beats as the Destiny 1 E3 demo.

1. Moment to form a team (town/landing in russia)
2. big enviromental thing (Big monster eating other monsters/colony ships falling)
3. light weight combat scenarios
4. difficult combat scenario demonstrating "super" moves (Shoulder rockets/ Warlock+hunter supers)
5. Loot grabbing moment
6. Public event

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