
The importance of getting it right the first time (Gaming)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Monday, August 08, 2016, 21:15 (3126 days ago) @ Claude Errera

At SOME point, a point that comes AFTER they supply a product to the next link in the chain and BEFORE the consumer is supposed to be able to get his hands on the product, someone along the way can steal a copy, and sell it. (Or just play it. Whatever.) Unless the game is an always-on game that REQUIRES a connection to the internet to play (I don't know enough about NMS to know if it falls into this category, but it's sort of irrelevant, since your argument isn't about NMS, it's about games in general), there is NO WAY for the developer to stop people from playing/discussing that leaked game.

Correct. This is why if I were running a video game company it would be so damn important not to send anything off to manufacturing that I wouldn't mind the world seeing.

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