
The importance of getting it right the first time (Gaming)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Sunday, August 07, 2016, 19:34 (3139 days ago) @ cheapLEY

The news is that the version of No Man's Sky people are seeing and playing now that street date is broken is not the 'real' version, and that a day 1 patch is coming.

I hope everyone can see why it is so important not to rely on day 1 patches - the negative press about the game, the balance, and the bugs absolutely hurt the game. I know I will not be buying it.

Hello Games brought this on themselves, and should be a textbook lesson in what not to do.

In a perfect world:

1. Make a great game that is complete.
2. Shortly before the game's release, specifically detail the basics of the game but say nothing more.
3. Shut up until the game comes out.
4. Enjoy a great launch.

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