
I just don't like . . . (Gaming)

by Kermit @, Raleigh, NC, Thursday, August 04, 2016, 19:44 (3042 days ago) @ cheapLEY

I really don't like the way people have reported on this leak.

This article says, " . . .maybe don’t let one person’s opinion change your mind," as if daymeeuhn has been telling people the game is shit. Every article I've seen sort of gives the impression that he's out there just pointing out every flaw, telling people the game sucks, etc.

Everything he's ever said basically points to him being initially a bit disappointed, but still highly enjoying the game, and he's only seemed to enjoy it more over time. None of the articles ever point this out or give this impression.

This article seemed to, or at least I didn't get the impression from it that daymeeuhn hated the game. There's daymeeuhn's reaction, and then there's the internet's reaction to his reaction. This article seemed to be about the latter.

For what it's worth, I agree, Kermit. That article was a level-headed look at the sitatuion (but unnecessary--I mean, are we seriously at the point where we have to straight up beat people over the head to get them to judge something for themselves, rather than taking one perspective as gospel?).

Well, I think most people take one or two perspectives that confirm their biases and call it a day.

For what it's worth, my opinion is still that the marketing for this game was shady and terrible, but the game itself actually looks alright based on reasonable expectations. Some of the streams have made me really want to play, while others make me think my initial thoughts were spot on (It's a whole lot of pointing your gun at rocks, which doesn't look fun, but everything else looks great).

Yeah. Managing expectations is a difficult business for developers and players. I try not to learn too much about games I'm interested in before I play them. (I'm interested in NMS, but I don't read everything I see about it. I'm not even as obsessive about reading everything about Bungie games like I used to be.) Also, there's just so much to play it's impossible to try to play everything you might want to play. We all want good experiences, and sometimes choosing to play through Witcher 3 a third time provides the best experience.


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