
I'm curious what you think of Spelunky (Gaming)

by CyberKN ⌂ @, Oh no, Destiny 2 is bad, Tuesday, August 02, 2016, 21:32 (3132 days ago) @ SonofMacPhisto

. . . and can use the same guns and techniques that you did at the start of the game all the way to the end, that's not a very satisfying experience.

You mean like you can in Halo?

We must not have played he same game.

In Halo, you can simply use an Assault Rifle and kill everything in the room. The one exception to that is the Maw Run where you're forced to operate a Warthog.

Lol. Maybe on Easy or Normal.

How is this NOT a troll? You're the guy who posted a Cairo Station Leg run with just an AR.

That was an SMG, and I never did the whole level. Just the second hangar bay :-p

That also sounds like a bit of a niche way to play just for a laugh or the additional challenge.

Having done Halo 1 Legendary, I instinctively know what you mean. Whatever Spelunky is can't be remotely the same.

Counterpoint: Spelunky is pretty close to Halo 1 on Legendary.

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