
I can't remember, which is Past and which is Future? (Recruitment)

by Korny @, Dalton, Ga. US. Earth, Sol System, Sunday, March 08, 2015, 14:28 (3387 days ago) @ Dagoonite

Do paleodeserts count? They're basically sand dunes that have been stabilized by vegetation. A portion of Nebraska (my sympathies to anybody who lives there) is composed of these, known as "sandhills." After all, one would be hard-pressed to think of this as a sand dune, but...

I'll avoid the technicalities of Earth (Terra, Bob, whatever you want to call it) after its impact with a Mars-sized body, because that's just splitting hairs.

Edit: I've tried editing it twice now, and the previews won't let it work. Wikipedia and the forums hate me.

Fix'd. the issue was with the link itself, not your HL. Or we could just have the image:


Found the land of the Windows desktop... Anyway, I suppose it can count, yes, assuming that region was purely arid sand, and not mixed with soils of any sort. But again, the area within the Vault is completely isolated by extreme degrees. If only we could get that back door open during a trip to the past/future, maybe we'd get a better idea of how vegetation could have somehow found its way into the Vault...

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