
Sand sand or just dry earth? (Recruitment)

by Korny @, Dalton, Ga. US. Earth, Sol System, Friday, March 06, 2015, 21:07 (3389 days ago) @ ZackDark

Sand sand I can't recall off the top of my head, but if dry earth counts, the Amazon Forest itself used to be a dry savanna before what it currently is, for instance.

Doesn't count. The surface (or rather, the elevated platform) of the Vault is sand sand, and on top of that, it's isolated, and far from any fertile land or moisture (the bubbling springs and streams aside.heck, the entire present-day descent into the Vault has almost no vegetation whatsoever.

Like I said, a Tundra (or on the other end of the climate spectrum, a Savanna) doesn't count, since it's not arid soil. It can become fertile if vegetation creeps in from an outside source. Either way, between the lack of light sources and giant pits, any vegetation somehow reaching the Gatekeeper area is extremely unlikely and on top of that, replacing the sandy, arid platform with enough moisture and soil to grow into a jungle environment? Impossible, I say...

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