
Get your glass in gear (Recruitment)

by General Vagueness @, The Vault of Sass, Thursday, March 05, 2015, 23:29 (3390 days ago)
edited by General Vagueness, Thursday, March 05, 2015, 23:38

Not sure what to do with the relic, and when? Can't figure out why you keep dying in the Templar fight? Lost among the Gorgons? Can't remember which side is Mars and which is Venus? Me neither! Let's get some practice in, together. Experienced raiders are welcome as long as they don't mind the inexperienced people. This is not a "teach me to raid" event because A) I don't have the experience to do that and I don't want to speak for anyone else and B) that just doesn't sound as fun refining approaches more organically. Let's take chances, make mistakes, and get messy, with no pressure.
When? Saturday at 8:00 PM EST
Fireteam builder link for convenient RSVPs

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