
How to fix scout missions (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Wednesday, June 25, 2014, 10:28 (3815 days ago) @ SonofMacPhisto

Let's take a look at the 'scouting type' missions in explore mode. Currently, you are basically required to go to a displayed waypoint, and stand there for 10 seconds or so. We can do better.

We get a beacon. It says that powerful enemies are causing trouble, and we're not sure exactly where they are coming from. There are rumors they are coming from a cave near the dried shore, so our task is to explore the cave and get recon on the enemies.

Where's my waypoint? There isn't one. This is explore mode after all. So, you look for the cave. Maybe you know where she shore is, but maybe you don't. If you have no idea, that's ok, because the game lets you load up 3 missions. You can do others while you continue to explore.

You may find it, you may not. You've looked everywhere and you can't find it or otherwise have no idea. You see a guardian running around. Flag him down and start a voice chat.

'Hey man, where is the dried up shore? I need to find a cave"
"Oh dude, just follow that river and it will take you there"
"Thanks, dude!"

You make your way to the cave. You still have a percentage indicator for exploration, however you have to actually run through the cave to get it to go up. You need to look all around, similar to Marathon requiring you to reveal marked polygons. The enemies in the cave are really hard, so you can try to be sneaky and explore, or take them all out.

Isn't that much more engaging?

Same thing with assassination missions. Give us a bit of recon, a picture of the dude, and let us find him on our own.

This way, you don't feel like an automaton running from beacon, to waypoint, to beacon.

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