
Did a JRPG pore sugar in your gas tank? (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Wednesday, June 25, 2014, 10:07 (3907 days ago) @ Malagate
edited by Cody Miller, Wednesday, June 25, 2014, 10:17

And here's the thing with the Megaman examples; IIRC couldn't you play any level you wanted at virtually any time? It appears different in Destiny, as like with Borderlands, there are some areas you just can't handle until you're at the appropriate level.

Megaman has always allowed you to beat the levels in any order, but there's a place in the Chain of Weaknesses each boss takes up. Every game has been an exercise in finding where to jump into that chain to use the earned weapons against the next boss.

The best megaman games are more complex than that. Megaman 2 for example, has robot masters with varying weaknesses against a variety of weapons, such that there was no chain. You had little loops that were either self contained or crossed over each other, plus the mobility items which offered advantages in levels. The classic dilemma is item1 / item 2. You get item 2 from Airman, and item 1 from Heatman. Well, Item 1 helps big time in the airman stage, and item 2 helps big time in the heatman stage. So you have to pick which advantage you want.

I still don't understand what everyone is on about; saying investment systems ruin things. They can, certainly. But not by default. They are not an objective evil.

Correct, but ONLY IF DONE RIGHT. Deus Ex does it right. Destiny does it wrong.

Here is how to fix Destiny to do it right:

1. If you play all the story missions and strikes, you should reach max level or near max level by the time you finish.
2. Eliminate random loot, and have weapons be in predefined locations or acquired from specific enemies.
3. The missions in Explore mode should essentially just be story missions; they should be well designed, unique, and novel.
4. Hide tons and tons of missions, side stories, and secrets in explore mode.

Basically, you should never have to grind for level or gear ever, and boring MMO fetch / kill quests should be eliminated. Most of my beef stems from the fact that explore mode seemed to be the primary way to gain levels (in the alpha anyway), and the part that's fun (exploring) you don't get exp for, and the part that sucks (the missions) you do.

I'm willing to keep an open mind though, and consider that explore mode was a bigger deal in the Alpha due to lack of content. Maybe the full game will have enough to do that 's fun so that I won't have to pick up spinmetal leaves.

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