
Did a JRPG pore sugar in your gas tank? (Destiny)

by SonofMacPhisto @, Wednesday, June 25, 2014, 05:45 (3815 days ago) @ electricpirate

And some people really like investment or loot systems. You can't really invalidate what people like or don't like.

Without commenting on investment systems in Destiny, it's really easy for people to like things that are bad. Like =/= good.

That being said, Reach's investment system ended up being a major detrement to my enjoyment of that game. I'm hesitant to say the game, and the system, was good by any objective measure. Destiny however sounds like it's a lot more fun than Reach (it seems to have heart, which is important to me) whether or not the investment system is there.

And here's the thing with the Megaman examples; IIRC couldn't you play any level you wanted at virtually any time? It appears different in Destiny, as like with Borderlands, there are some areas you just can't handle until you're at the appropriate level.

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