
The Darkness like the Flood? (Destiny)

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Monday, April 28, 2014, 13:14 (3960 days ago) @ PackLeader89

Could be.

My current guess is some sort of... anti-Traveler... I believe it is said that Hive Wizards draw their power from the Darkness. Perhaps in the same way Guardians draw power from the Traveler? The Darkness seems to have been the thing that was really out to get humanity during the Golden Age, but was the Darkness a thing itself or just the various enemy races that descended on us?

The Darkness is probably the closest thing we have to an unknown right now... but other things are ripe for twists:

- The motivations of The Traveler
- The goodness of Humanity's actions during the Golden Age (For instance we had vast war intelligences on Mars... For what? Were we perhaps at war with anyone other than ourselves?)
- The Vex time traveling. Time travel can open up a whole can of plot worms.
- Etc...

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