
Overall impressions? (Destiny)

by Dean Hofmeyer (unhh) @, Warsaw, IN, Monday, April 28, 2014, 12:12 (3960 days ago) @ yakaman

I'm in kind of the same place right now. I'm still very excited every time new Destiny info comes out, but on viewing the gameplay Footage I came away feeling like... Is this it? Is this all you can conjure, Bungie? I hope they prove me wrong and drop a big bomb at E3.

I'll almost certainly buy the game and even a special edition console if I don't have a console by then, but I'm finding I have the opposite problem that I had with Halo:Reach. I'm having a hard time keeping my excitement up, instead of having to keep it in check.

Maybe it's just down to me being a few years older and more cynical. I don't know.

I do think Bungie is doing themselves no favors by showing tiny chunks of what's supposed to be a massive, immersive game. Even if one mission isn't groundbreaking, if it's got solid, fun gameplay (as it looks to), and the world and transition between those missions is good (this remains to be seen), the game stands a good chance of being great.

But from what they've shown, I hate to say it, but I'm just not that excited.

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