Cautious Optimist (Destiny)

by rliebherr @, St. Louis, Missouri, Monday, April 28, 2014, 11:51 (3960 days ago) @ Fuertisimo

The feeling I have after reading Xenos' fantastic link coverage is the same feeling you get when you interview for a job you really, really want and now have to wait for HR to call you back with their decision. I'm excited for the opportunity, but since I largely don't know what I'm getting myself into or how their decision will go, I'm also very nervous.

It seems like (to simplify it) Borderlands and Halo had a beautiful, beautiful baby. I like both of those titles very much, so I'm sure I'll enjoy Destiny. For me, what keeps me interested in games long after the mechanics or gameplay are familiar are PvP and story. I didn't get to see either of those today; so, I'm looking forward to E3. Destiny looks great, based on the media it seems to feel like Halo, and act, albeit somewhat, like Borderlands/Diablo (loot drops, customization, all classes being 'hybrid DPS,' etc.). All of those sound great to get me through the game one time, but I really want to see what will keep me playing for ten years.

Borderlands and Diablo lost me after about 80 to 90 hours. I had beat the games, beat the DLCs, leveled up through several Paragon levels, and collected a ton of loot. Their stories were kind of shallow and the PvP was non-existent in either (but when I was knee deep in the games, I would binge for weekends upon weekends, playing deep into the night and early into the mornings fueled by coffee, pizza, and energy drinks - a glorious time!). Halo kept me interested through a great story and a very fun multiplayer experience for hundreds of hours. If Destiny can combine those successfully, I'll be incredibly satisfied.

I want it to be amazing, I'm just trying to contain my own hype until I know more.

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