
Realistic Optimism (Destiny)

by PackLeader89, Durham, NC, Monday, April 28, 2014, 12:56 (3960 days ago) @ petetheduck

I was pretty excited watching the Strike trailer this morning (don't tell my boss that's what I was doing instead of tackling a pile of email from the weekend).

I took the trailer and the 12+ articles that I have breezed through and made up two overarching opinions:

1) Everyone online (as in everyone in the media) is using the HALO-Borderlands analogy to describe what the trailer shows. That's fine. I think it is a fair analogy for what the trailer showed us. However, there are a lot of elements that we know nothing about--the MMO-side of the game--that we don't see in either HALO or Borderlands. So I am realistically optimistic than even though the trailer didn't show us anything revolutionary, that there is still plenty more to come.

2) My second opinion is that there is a lot of pessimism and cynicism in the gaming journalist community (as well as all journalism). Man! It seems like 65% of the articles I read were beating up Bungie for not giving away all their secrets. Bungie has it coming for not giving people the information we want. However, I think finding out all this stuff through gameplay will make the experience worth it.

And now back to work...

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