
It's to do with greed... (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Friday, August 02, 2024, 07:44 (86 days ago) @ Kermit
edited by Cody Miller, Friday, August 02, 2024, 07:47

I'm not saying these people are wrong or untruthful, but we should refrain from criticizing Parsons on a personal level because 1) none of us know the man, 2) it's not relevant to the current situation anyway, and 3) the people who are saying these things have a very acute grievance with Parsons and plenty of reason to be angry right now.

This. I find the outrage about the car stuff to be stupid.

It isn't just the cars. It's that he allegedly invited a female developer to see said cars and then laid her off days later. It just displays a disconnect.

Guy climbed the greasy pole in a competitive, 100 billion dollar industry. He's been compensated for a while. How and when he spends his money is his business.

He's making the money he is, because of the people at Bungie who actually made the games. Harold Ryan was at least a tester at one point, contributing to the product.

He can spend his money how he wants, but we are also totally free to judge him for it. Nothing is wrong with using your money to make your life comfortable. But once it crosses the line from comfortable to excess, then people are going to rightly form negative opinions.

Notice how Jason Jones makes as much if not more, and yet nobody is calling him out.

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