
RIP In Peace 220 roles at Bungie… (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Wednesday, July 31, 2024, 10:01 (87 days ago) @ Korny

Bungie getting ahead of the journalists on this one, for once.

You know, I've been listening to Johnathan Blow a lot lately.

For some time now, he has been predicting that tons of software jobs were going to vanish. His argument was that people just aren't that efficient, and every company has been over hiring. Look at Twitter. It went from 8000 people to 1500 people under Musk. Everyone said the site was going to explode, and it would be a disaster. And yet, it appears to be functioning fine technically. The site still works. Everything is going on as normal. Any difficulties would seem to stem from Musk's decisions about what to prioritize and what not to, rather than a lack of manpower.

Blow argued that people would pick up on this all throughout the software industry, including the games industry, and start cutting jobs when they realize it not only won't hurt productivity, but save money on burn. That pretty much any medium or large sized company could downsize and be either at the same level, or even better off given that larger teams are less productive on a per person basis due to coordination overhead and compartmentalization.

So is this a natural correction, or a sign of Bungie cutting costs to stay afloat? It's probably some of both.

Either way, I think we are seeing the decline after Bungie's peak. Just hoping they can have some level of sustainable success going forward.

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