
It's to do with greed... (Destiny)

by Kermit @, Raleigh, NC, Thursday, August 01, 2024, 21:43 (86 days ago) @ Coaxkez

I'm not saying these people are wrong or untruthful, but we should refrain from criticizing Parsons on a personal level because 1) none of us know the man, 2) it's not relevant to the current situation anyway, and 3) the people who are saying these things have a very acute grievance with Parsons and plenty of reason to be angry right now.

This. I find the outrage about the car stuff to be stupid. Guy climbed the greasy pole in a competitive, 100 billion dollar industry. He's been compensated for a while. How and when he spends his money is his business. For all we know he's taken a pay cut as part of this change. For all we know he's a total jerk, but having hobbies (even expensive ones) isn't a tell.

What does matter and is relevant here is the management culture at Bungie, which was shaped and led by Parsons in his capacity as CEO and head of the board. That management culture led the company to the precipice where it finds itself today, and that is the reason Parsons must go. (The rest of the executive team needs to be reassessed too, but leadership reform starts with the captain of the ship and it's high time to find a new skipper.)

Yep. What can't go on, won't.

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