
Don't get me wrong. (Gaming)

by cheapLEY @, Sunday, February 19, 2017, 21:05 (2931 days ago) @ Ragashingo

I think the combat in ME2 and ME3 is totally fine. It's good even, with some great moments sprinkled in. It's totally serviceable for the game, and it's fun to play. I think Andromeda looks great--it's a shame it coming out so soon after Horizon. I'm not sure I can make time for two huge games back to back (and I'm not even close to being done with my current play through of The Witcher 3, yet--I haven't even hit the DLC this time through yet!).

But I'm one of those weird people that enjoys true RPG style mechanics. I prefer Morrowind to every other Elder Scrolls game, and that game is a pain in the ass when it comes to leveling. It is entirely possible (and entirely too easy) to level your character in such a way that you'll be completely screwed by the end game. If you don't plan ahead, hit the +5 attribute bonuses for each character level, or try to spread your points around into too many disciplines, you'll be a level 50 chump that can't take on level appropriate encounters because you just screwed up. That's frustrating for a lot of people, probably for most people, but I love it.

Mass Effect is no more of an RPG than Destiny at this point. It hasn't been since the first game. That's totally fine, and they're great games still. But I would love to play another real Mass Effect RPG, and not an action game with some leveling and ability unlocks.

I think the best thing about Mass Effect's combat versus the later games is the ability cool down. Each ability or power had it's own cool down timer versus the global cool down of the latter games. Combining with your squadmates' abilities, it made for some really neat stringing of powers. I went through entire sections of that game without firing a shot, something that's not really possible in the same way in the latter games.

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