
That Gameplay Worries Me... (Gaming)

by Kahzgul, Sunday, February 19, 2017, 16:44 (2932 days ago) @ BeardFade

It's good to hear a different perspective on this. I personally felt that ME1's combat was a clunky load of junk that turned what should have been an action shooter into a movie where someone pauses it to get up for a soda every four seconds.

That being said, have they actually announced that you can't pause the action to issue commands? I must have missed that.

Even if they have, I'd be shocked if there wasn't a narrative-focused setting where the combat was minimized so as to provide flavor without requiring twitch shooter skills. They've been really good about this in each of the past 3 games. They know the story is the real reason play the ME games, and I'd be sadly disappointed if they didn't offer a story > combat experience this time around as well.

That being said, the videos they're showing are clearly trying to make the action seem as frenetic and energetic as possible. You can see lots of biotic charge-type attacks where the player dashes forwards quickly to shoulder charge someone... In past games, as I'm sure you know, this was a class-based skill that you only used if you intentionally spec'd your guy out that way. Again, I'd be surprised if it isn't possible to play the game as a tactician instead of as a brawler. My guess is that they're just not showing that right now because videos of someone carefully considering their options aren't that interesting to watch.

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