
no no no no no NO ;) (Gaming)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Saturday, February 18, 2017, 16:33 (2933 days ago) @ Cody Miller

Vanquish does not tie your health to your ability meter. Did you play the game dude? Your health is 100% separate. Your meter is for dodging, dashing, melee, and bullet time. Completely independent of your health.

I did play it, but it was years ago so I'm probably getting the exact details wrong. But there is some relationship between taking damage and your ability meter, no? Is it that your ability meter drains faster when you take damage, or it recharges slower while taking damage... I can't remember exactly.

What I do remember is the frustrating gameplay loop that the health and ability meters created.

Playing on normal, the game offers almost no challenge. I could slide and bounce and zip around all over the place, but I never needed to. Everything just died so quickly, it became boring almost instantly. So I set the difficulty 1 level higher, and all of a sudden I needed to spend most of my time hiding behind cover, waiting for my health and/or ability meter to recharge. It became so punishing that I couldn't engage with the only mechanics that made the game any fun.

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