
no no no no no NO ;) (Gaming)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Saturday, February 18, 2017, 15:32 (2933 days ago) @ Cody Miller

I find it amusing that the cover system is being touted as a feature, when 3PS games have had this since 2005.

The cover system isn't being "touted". They're pointing out that cover works a little differently than it did in ME1-3. Not a bragging point, just a noteworthy change.

Their stated goal in the video is to create dynamic fast paced combat with movement options. That's existed since 2010: Vanquish :-) Let's hope they take inspiration from it.

Vanquish is the perfect example of how NOT to implement fast-paced movement within a 3rd person shooter, IMO (by tying it to the health system, you ostensibly punish the player for using their speed and agility. Completely ass-backwards design that ruined the whole game). The video touches on this, but unless you play ME2 or 3, this doesn't convey how layered the combat in Mass Effect is. There is a lot of matching up elemental weapons to different enemy shields, using certain powers or abilities in concert with the abilities of your squad to create powerful combos, with different combos being more or less useful against different enemy types. All classic RPG combat stuff, but they actually made it work within a fast-paced, real time 3rd person shooter (very similar to the balance that Destiny seems to be aiming for, but I think Bioware nailed it better). All this to say, you wouldn't want the combat to be too fast. The pacing needs to be a touch more deliberate than something like Titanfall or Vanquish. Twitch-reflexes alone are not enough in Mass Effect. You really need to think.

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