
I'd argue that it's among the worst things that 343 did... (Destiny)

by Durandal, Thursday, February 09, 2017, 18:03 (2890 days ago) @ Korny

yeah, all the variant weapons really threw me in 5. Plus when you have all the "pro" players they tend to get very mono-build. I think you really need to consider the casuals in the play as well. Like in Overwatch how some characters are OP for the masses, but never used in competitive mode because they are easily countered by a coordinated, skilled team.

Sniper rifles in some Destiny players hands are OP, but I can't hit the broad side of a barn. What do you do, should you buff them, nerf them?

You can make a game for streamers and top 1% of players, but that may not be a game the rest of us want to play.

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