
I'd argue that it's among the worst things that 343 did... (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Thursday, February 09, 2017, 14:59 (2890 days ago) @ Korny
edited by Cody Miller, Thursday, February 09, 2017, 15:03

You can argue that's exactly what they wanted. I'm not saying it was right or wrong, since I don't own or play Halo 5, but tastes and trends do evolve over time. Especially given that MCC ostensibly preserves the classic experience, it would be kind of foolish to keep everything the same. New game, new feel. Halo 2 sure didn't feel like Halo in multiplayer. It is an okay to evolve the game feel, just as it is also okay for players to prefer something else. The mere fact that there is change is not nessesarily a point to criticize. Not being a player I have no idea if the changes work within the framework of the game or not, but the response has been mostly positive anecdotally.

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