
I've done sandbox FPS PvP balances before, AMA (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Thursday, February 09, 2017, 17:24 (2890 days ago) @ Kahzgul

There's a third, sadder option, and that's that bungie is using a metrics-bases approach to game balance. This seems to be the case, since they LOVE to trot out the metrics and show us charts about which classes have the higher K/Ds etc.. The problem with a fully metrics-based approach is that if your metrics are off at all, you screw up the balance. For example, Bungie is showing us that Defenders have the lowest K/D and says "so they need a buff." No. No they don't. Your metrics aren't looking at how having a defender on the team improves the K/D of the surrounding players. K/D is not everything. If you pretend it is, then your balance will suck.

Why not look at WINS then? Especially in certain gametypes, K/D is less meaningful. They should see which subclasses can't win games. Ultimately, that's what matters in the end when it comes to balance.

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