
Your questions answered - and more!

by cheapLEY @, Tuesday, June 25, 2013, 20:22 (4178 days ago) @ Claude Errera

Great interview! Nice to see these sorts of things coming out of DBO!

It was a little frustrating hearing him continue to say, "Well, here at E3 we're showing . . . " I mean, yeah, we saw that, we know.

But then I remember how much emphasis they're putting on letting us know they're still in pre-alpha. That still blows my mind. I'd honestly kind of like to know more about that. I mean, how much of the game looks like what we saw at E3, as far as level of polish. How much of the game is "built" so to speak? Are they still designing play areas, or is all that groundwork laid?

I'd love to see another Bungie ViDoc soon!

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