Your questions answered - and more!

by kapowaz, Tuesday, June 25, 2013, 12:33 (4268 days ago) @ Claude Errera

(We edited out a number of "well, we're not really talking about that right now"-type answers.)

…other than all the ones that made it into the video? Honestly, it feels like Bungie are so unwilling to discuss anything outside of the scope of the E3 demo that it's pointless having a Q&A session right now. Obviously the questions are going to be outside of the scope of what was shown — that's why we're asking them! If all you're going to do is tell us something we can learn by watching the video then this whole exercise is fruitless.

I respect that this is most likely because things are still up in the air and you don't want to have people fixate on features which might not make the cut, but even so this feels like so much hot air. I'd go so far as to say I'd rather you just went dark again, then came back and did a real Q&A closer to release.

I now open the floor to DBOers who will now undoubtedly tell me how terribly ungrateful I am being.

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