
by Claude Errera @, Tuesday, June 25, 2013, 16:24 (4178 days ago) @ The Lionheart

Thanks so much for helping make all of this happen. You were/are definitely way more on top of things than anywhere else I seek info.

I had a much smaller role in this than pretty much everyone else involved - my major contribution seems to be as the mic-holder for Chris in the actual video. ;) (Colin and Duncan filmed it, Duncan organized the fan-submitted questions, Grim handled most of the heavy lifting, interview-wise, Colin did all the editing... I basically sat there and held the mic in the wrong place. ;) )

I'm glad we've got a solid team this time around, with a variety of skills and a TON of enthusiasm. Lets me sit back and drink margaritas and watch the action. :) (I don't really drink margaritas. Usually.)

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