Because nothing brings people together like Gambling!

by Phoenix_9286 @, Saturday, June 15, 2013, 12:34 (3996 days ago) @ INSANEdrive

A duel system where the winner takes your gear would be pretty cool.

Yeah. How 'bout no.

Works in Borderlands 2. I certainly don't use it often (because after the first game, it's become a habit to just drop weapons for someone) but the game has a trade system. You can just straight up take it, swap a weapon for a weapon, or duel it out and winner takes whatever was up for trade.

It's all a matter of choice, and it's pretty fun.

And of course, even in his suggestion, it's a duel, which is agreed to. Not straight up combat, which isn't. So if you were afraid of losing gear, don't ever duel.

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