
Loot drops, cheating, and boosting

by SonofMacPhisto @, Friday, June 14, 2013, 15:29 (3991 days ago)
edited by SonofMacPhisto, Friday, June 14, 2013, 15:44

I've said this before: I think Reach's anti-cheating measures were a test for what Bungie is trying to do in Destiny. This affects both the general sense of their goals with the game and to the specific mechanics regarding leveling and equipment.

What do you think it'll look like in Destiny? What new, beautiful, tear inducing tools has Bungie wrought this time around? SHALL THE BANHAMMER RIDE AGAIN, MORE GLORIOUS THAN BEFORE? Did they just digitize Jerome?

Or, conversely, does anyone even care? Hax4eva, or whatever. BXR or GTFO, noob.

In BL2, it's real easy to duplicate the best stuff, as well as mod weapons from the available game elements (my spouse has this ridic pistol, srsly). Gearbox doesn't seem to give a crap, because the save system that allows duplicating is totally unchanged from BL1, and I haven't a heard of lick of Gearbox coming down on folks. Heck, there was once an exploit for those golden loot keys, and Randy Pichford was like, 'If you had the keys to a sports car, what would you do?'

That said, having been ninja looted in BL2 many times, I'm glad for what I've seen so far in regards to Destiny's personal lewts. I hope we can trade that shizz, though.

Anyway, I've spoken enough. Getting a little Tiny Tina there.

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