
I find I'm somewhere in the middle (Destiny)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Friday, June 05, 2015, 18:56 (3281 days ago) @ Claude Errera

There are plenty of people who've posted RIGHT HERE ON THIS FORUM that they don't get kills as often with hand cannons as with auto rifles - because their targeting skill isn't perfect, and the auto rifle is more forgiving.

That's the part I keep bringing up... Hand cannons seem to be the most effective weapons in the hands of someone who can consistently land all their shots, but that certainly isn't everyone. I've done plenty of damage with Auto Rifles in the crucible, even after the most recent nerf.

That being said, I don't think Cody is way off base here. Every single crucible match I've played over the past 2 months, including Iron Banner and Trials of Osiris, has been dominated by hand cannons. On average, I see more hand cannons than every other primary weapon class put together. There is a reason for that. Hand Cannons really are more effective for most players in a wider range of situations than any other weapon type.

I'd love to see things balanced out a little better, just to open up more options. I actually prefer using Auto Rifles, but I feel like I can't use them if I'm in a close match, because I'll be at a disadvantage against all the HC users.

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