
I Would've Believed You If You Said Pulse. (Destiny)

by Morpheus @, High Charity, Friday, June 05, 2015, 01:25 (3272 days ago) @ Funkmon

The 3rd biggest complaint(IMMEDIATELY after Thorn/Last Word's cheatiness and Shotguns 1-shotting cross-galaxies) is that Auto Rifles are useless--in both PvP AND PvE.

Like always, I can't find any of Bungie's weapon preference statistics, but I don't remember Auto Rifles being at the top.

Nine bullets. Nine bullets. So you're telling me that if you caught them unaware--or if you had them stand still for you--that you could exterminate an entire team of six(let's assume Feeding Frenzy is on)in the 8-12 seconds it would take to empty 2.4 clips?

The 1st and 4th enemies wouldn't even have Glass Half Full damage applied to them.

9 9 4 + 5 9 9 + 9

Even SUROS would have a hard time catching up, if that's what you're implying. How could that possibly work? If that were true, why does practically no one else use it? Other than the 90% Thorn/Last Word deaths, and 5% Super deaths, the weapons that have killed me in Iron Banner so far are(from most often to least)

The Adept Messenger
Party Crasher
Another Void new shotgun, I can't remember the name right now
Corrective Measure
Bungie's Lie--I mean, Felwinter's Lie
The Adept Scholar

Through all of Iron Banner this week(in fact, most of Crucible EVER), the only Auto Rifles that have killed me are SUROS, Up For Anything, and For The People. Literally in that order. If what you're implying is true, then DBO and B.Net and Kokatu would be complaining about Vanquisher VIII. I'm pretty sure that showed up on my death screen less than five times my whole life.

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