Objectives help with camping (Destiny)

by Claude Errera @, Thursday, April 30, 2015, 15:39 (3594 days ago) @ Durandal

I personally prefer objective game types, mostly because Clash has too many cheap "I spawned behind you" kills and players are more mindful of spawn control in control.

I have to say, for the most part, this happens to me WAY less than it did in Halo... but last night I had one pretty egregious example. We were on Firebase Delphi, I think, and I spawned in a line of fire. Not right in front of a guy who started shooting at me... but IN A HAIL OF BULLETS that had been going from the enemy to one of my teammates, but stopped going to the teammate because they started killing me. I was below 50% health before my feet actually hit the ground. I died before I could turn more than 90 degrees. (He was behind me. I was dead before I could LOOK at him.)

That's never happened before. I've been spawned in front of someone, occasionally - but if you're quick, and lucky, you can duck behind cover before it ends, and maybe someone else can distract the guy. This was... worse. :)

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